Marion Arand
Marion Arand
The price for translations is calculated according to the number of words and the complexity of the original text to be translated. The price always includes professional editing. You can be assured that you will receive high-quality translations at a fair price.
In case of special urgency a surcharge may apply.
To proceed with ordering a translation, simply send your request via either email or the attached contact form. Please include the text that is to be translated and the time interval by when the translation should be completed. You will then receive a non-binding offer for your translation project. The translation will begin as soon as you have confirmed and accepted the offer.
The completed translation will be sent together with the invoice via email.
If you have questions about the offer and/or prices, I will be happy to assist you personally. Please send an email or contact me by phone at 00358 408 195 108. Together we can discuss your translation project and find the right solution.